How successful parents plan for college!

Start early with these critical strategies to avoid costly mistakes 

Vital information for parents of college bound teens

  • You can get your student into their dream college, without being one of the 7 out of 10 families that leaves with crushing student loan debt.
  • Don’t miss the chance to learn proven strategies to not overpay on college and jumpstart your student’s college search.
  • These strategies will help you guide your student in making the biggest academic, financial and professional decision of their lives.

Save Your Seat Today

Virtual Workshop
October 11th, 2022

12:00pm & 7:00pm
Eastern Standard Time

Don’t Miss Out On What Other Successful Parents Have Learned


  • Key Timelines and strategies to maximize your student’s college admission chances
  • Demystify the college admissions process
  • Uncover financial aid opportunities for every family regardless of income
  • Reveal a successful roadmap to save time for parents and students
  • Show how you can save on cost without sacrificing educational quality
  • Teach how to Calculate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
  • Outline how to maximize your scholarship opportunities
  • BONUS: Free College Report outlining your financial aid strategy, scholarship potential and net costs at multiple schools

Meet Your Presenters

Presented By Former Vanderbilt, Duke Law and St. Lawrence University Admissions Officer Fitz Totten of Find The Right College, and college financial planning and funding expert, Stuart Canzeri of Peachtree College Planning

Stuart Canzeri
Founder | Peachtree College Planning

Fitz Totten
Founder | Find the Right College

By Attending this Workshop You'll Receive: 

  • BONUS 1:
    Top 100 Careers of the Decade
  • BONUS 2:
    FAFSA Guide 2022-2023

Join me for the “How Successful Parents Plan for College" Webinar

as we share how you can…

Learn Where to start and what to do to achieve your college planning goals
Discover Insider Strategies to Get Free Money... even with incomes over 500K
Identify the 2 Main Factors that will increase a student's chance for admissions at their dream colleges
Develop Parent and Student Timelines to get on track or stay ahead of plans
Understand how the pandemic has provided hidden opportunities to get into your student's top choices

If you are a parent with a college bound student, this information is especially important for you.

Imagine a stress-free process you can use for your student and a debt free degree

Save money and save time by learning these new strategies today

How to select the right college, get admitted, and save a ton of money
How to Get Organized - Get Ahead and Get a Plan
How to win free college scholarships and maximize free money from colleges, regardless of your income

Peachtree College Planning has placed students in almost every major college in the country, including:

What Others Are Saying...

I have got to tell you about the good people at Peachtree College Planning! They are the most wonderfully kind, patient and knowledgeable group of people. With them, you get a twofold plan which includes the college planning part and the financial part. The college application process has changed immensely since I was in school and I am relieved and thankful to have the Peachtree College Planning team looking out for me and my kids during this exciting and nerve wracking time….I highly recommend them!

Michelle H.

We’ve met with a lot of independent college counselors and reviewed their programs. When our son was a junior we met Stuart and decided to use Peachtree College Planning. Three years later our son is still happy at his chosen college, and we are exactly on track with the “Plan to Pay” that Stuart helped us create. I’m 100% certain that the ‘plan to pay’ creation alone paid for the investment we made in the service. Since then they’ve grown their team and expanded their services. I can highly recommend Peachtree College Planning.

Peggy T.

© 2022 Peachtree College Planning
